Our Philosophy

At Bungendore Preschool, we are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired to explore, learn, and grow. Our philosophy is built upon collaborative leadership, critical reflection, and a steadfast commitment to diversity, inclusion, and nurturing environments. We believe in forming strong partnerships with families and the community, working together to embrace each child’s uniqueness and celebrating their individual strengths, interests, and contributions. Recognising that our preschool is located on Ngarigo land, we honour and respect this heritage, warmly welcoming families from all cultural, linguistic and diverse backgrounds to join us in sharing and respecting this land.


Our image of the child is guided by Malaguzzi’s vision – one that sees children as rich in potential, strong, powerful, and competent. We believe that every child is naturally curious, creative, and capable of constructing their own knowledge through exploration and experimentation. Our environment is designed to provide abundant opportunities for open-ended and unrestricted play, fostering an atmosphere where children are encouraged to explore, discover, and express themselves freely.


We see children as active participants in their learning journey, driven by their innate desire to understand the world around them. Most importantly, we recognise that children are deeply connected to adults and other children, and therefore we strongly value the importance of nurturing these relationships as a foundation for learning and growth.